Friday, October 21, 2011

3 miles of pure heart

(I apologize for the lack of weigh in this week... Monday we will be back to our regularly scheduled weigh in)

Last saturday I did something amazing. Amazing to me anyway. Over a year ago, I set the goal to "do a 5K" I didn't really have any intention of doing it for a while, when I was in shape, and could run it. But then I heard through the grapevine that there was a local 5K that would not have too many people participating so therefore would be low pressure. AND it benefited a cause close to my heart, Pre-K programs to underprivileged Kiddos. SO up my alley. So I said okay. Life presented me with this opportunity so Andy and I embarked on a journey. With NO training ( I do not recommend... btw) and some sneakers, (AND our baby nephew) we were off.

The first mile flew by. I felt great and jogged about a quarter of it. We did it in about 20 min. It went around a few blocks, so it went by pretty fast.  The 2nd mile took FOREVER! I felt like it would never end and my legs really started hurting. I really started to doubt myself in that mile. It was down a long stretch of road that seemingly had no end. All I could think about was getting to the end of that stretch. We did it in 29 min. I honestly thought I was going to pass out :( 

The last mile felt great. I got my power back and it was our fastest mile at 15 min. I ran the last quarter though the finish line, and that moment I felt amazing. Overall, I was exhausted and SORE, but it felt amazing and I can't wait to train and do it again. The shirt for this run was a 2x. The next one will be an xl, and so on and so forth until I am a smaller, better me. 

It just feels like such a great accomplishment. I never thought I could finish, and there were many times I contemplated stopping and quitting, but we never did. That's what means that this time I will succeed. It will be hard. The first mile will fly by, and the second with suck and be very hard, but getting through that will make it all worth it. Because I am strong enough, and even tho it will feel too hard to take another step, I will and I can do it. I won't quit because it's hard, or because it hurts. I will keep going. 


  1. so proud of you, well done!!!

  2. Sarah from OnmyweightohappinessOctober 22, 2011 at 1:48 PM

    Great job!

  3. Wahoo! It feels great when you are done and realize you accomplished it and did not give up :)
