Sunday, September 30, 2012

31 Days

This month I will join The Nester and Jackie at Teal and Lime, as well as many other bloggers, in this year's blog series 31 days.

The premise is for the whole month of October, you write one post a day on one topic. Right now, a huge part of my life is changing it, and being healthy. They say it takes 21 days to make a habit, so I figured I would give myself all 31 of October to make a different choice every day to be fit. These will range from food swaps to quick exercise ideas, every day for the next month. Hopefully by the end of the 31 days, hopefully I will new life habits rooted in living life more fit. Sound like fun? I thought so too. 

I will be linking up this post with The Nester, and I will update this post every day with a link to the post for this series, so you can check them all out at once. I will be writing them over on the healthy side of things, so don't be alarmed if you don't see them here every day. 

Feel like joining me? Its not too late! Quick, think of a topic and link up with The Nester, and lets do this! 


  1. I will be looking forward to see what you will posting ! I to am writing about a healthier and happier me:) I have just started this weight loss journey and thought it would be perfect to 31 days about it! Will be stopping by again:)

    1. Congrats on taking the first step and starting the journey! I look forward to following your 31 days too!

  2. Looking forward to this series!

  3. Found you at through the 31 day challenge. I did fitness too. Looking forward to connecting more.


    1. Thanks for stopping by! I will go check you out too! I would love to connect more.


  4. Doing the 31 days too! Looking forward to following you on this journey of being healthier. I just went back to weight watchers today so I'll do it with you!
    Let's do it!

  5. I'm trying to re-focus my efforts this month, back to practices that have been successful for me in the past but I've fallen away from. I also thought about making that my focus for the 31 day challenge, but ultimately decided against it. Still, I'm hoping that following along with others on similar journeys will be helpful to me. Good luck to you as you make your lifestyle changes!

    1. Thanks! I will definitely check out your 31 day challenge! I appreciate the support and the best way I know to succeed is by not doing it alone!
