Monday, September 3, 2012

I'm back!

"Back from where?" you may ask. Well I will tell you.

I am back from not blogging regularly for over a month. I am back from an excellent girls weekend to Vail and I am back on the wagon. Yes friends, I am BACK!

Where have I been? Well that's an easy question with a long answer. I have been unmotivated, uninspired and uninterested. But I am feeling inspired and truthfully guilty for letting something I really love go abandoned.

Where have I been? My two best friends and I went up to Avon/ Vail for an awesome girls weekend away. It was my first time spending the night away from my husband since we got married, and while it was challenging, it was definitely worth it. It opened my eyes to quite a few things that I had been denying. Which brings me to my next point...

Where have I been? I have been in denial and I have been weak. I have no legitimate excuse other than these two things. I have fallen off the wagon and I haven't picked myself back up because I was too weak to admit defeat. Well I am admitting it and for the third time I am going to my first Weight Watchers meeting.

So ladies and gentlemen (mostly ladies I assume) I am back.
