Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Do I smell a challenge????

If you know me, I am always down for a challenge! And if you have followed me for a while, you know I am even more down for a...

I LOVE Pinterest, as you know, and I LOVE challenges! So when two of my favorite lady bloggers threw down the first pinterest challenge in July, when I made a chandelier out of paint chips, and then they threw down the second pinterest challenge in November when I spray painted wine bottles white. This time the challenge is being thrown down by Sherry at Young House Love, Katie at Bower Power, Erin from The Great Indoors, and Cassie from Hi Sugarplum!

I am stoked and not sure what I will be tackling, but check out my Pin Boards at

It is on! Come back Wednesday to check out what I made, and I am gonna try to figure out how to let other people link their projects back to my blog (if anyone is wordpress savy, let me know... :) )