Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Sometimes I find products that I really love, and I think "OMG I have to tell EVERYONE I know about this!" Just me? Well, I have been saying that A LOT lately so I thought who better to share this with than all of you :) And just fyi, I have not been perked or paid or even sponsored for any of these reviews. I paid real money for these things and I love them so freaking much I have to share! Okay? Ok! 

1st, (and this is getting a little personal) I am in love with this guy:

I am a freak about cleaning my toilet. I HATE regular toilet swishers and they really gross me out. I discovered this beauty and my life has been changed! You click onto a scrubber, clean the toilet, and then throw it away! And it cleans very very well. It is super easy and plus, you don't have a gross swisher hanging out in your bathroom! 

Next, I must rave about Target's RE easy care sheets. 

We got these awesome sheets in white for our queen bed. They were $26 and they are the SOFTEST sheets I have ever owned. They are so soft and comfy, and feel WAY more expensive than $26. Awesome sheets make all the difference in a great night sleep. These are amazing. 

I love this product even more than I normally would because we didn't have to pay for it! 

We won this awesome Soda Stream at an apartment complex Bingo game! We got it for free, but you can buy a starter kit, like we got, for $79.00 at Target or Walmart. Oh Soda Stream how I love you, let me count the ways! I love the savings. The syrups cost so much less than soda that we are saving money. I also love the flavors. WE love the Diet Cola, Root Beer, Grapefruit, and most importantly the Energy drink! One bottle of Energy syrup costs $6.96, and one bottle of syrup makes 33 cans of Red Bull tasting energy drink. 33 cans of Red Bull would cost you over $75! You made your money back right there! Seriously I highly recommend this thing. If you love flavored water, soda, or just sparkling water, you can't beat it. 

So there you have it. 3 products I am totally in love with. Let me know if you have any questions about any of these, or if you have them too, share your experiences! And once again, I wasn't payed by anyone to write this post, I just really freaking love these products :)