Friday, December 9, 2011

Week 13- Points Plus 2012

As you probably already figured out, I am on Weight Watchers. December last year, Weight Watchers introduced a brand new program called Points Plus. It completely overhauled the Weight Watchers program and has been very successful. I joined last december when the program changed (and made it 2 months before falling off the wagon for life reasons.) Well this December, after a year of watching how the plan really works for people, they are making a few tweaks. I thought I would share.

Starting off, you receive a new packet including


  • A snazzy new blue carrying pouch (that will help me organize the new tools in my purse)

  • A "Welcome guide" that outlines the changes

  • A "Meet Points Plus 2012" book that is like the getting started book of yore.

  • A green tracker (with pre tracked meals!)

  • A "Living Points Plus 2012" book (if you are new like my friend Nicole, you will get this in a few weeks)

  • A new pocket guide. (I was kinda sad about this because, as you as you can see, I keep my stickers on the front of my pocket guide. No worries, they gave me replacement stickers)

  • A new Weight tracker.

Wow, lots of goodies!

In the meeting we discussed a few of the changes, and as we learn more about them over the next 3 weeks, I will share my thoughts. First major change is that the Daily Points Plus Target changed for some people. This is the number of points you are alloted each day (not including Weeklies or activity points) and is determined by your age, gender, weight and height. The minimum allowed points used to be 29, and they took it down to 26. Weight Watchers believes that everyone is eating healthier, so you don't need such a high minimum points target to get all of your nutrition anymore. They also added the option of Flexibility with this number. You can adjust it as you see fit. I get 40 points a day, but I rarely eat that many so I think I will move my target down to 37 and see what happens. I can change it as often as I would like, to find a good place for me to be.

Sorry for the short post, but this is all I have learned so far. More will be revealed when I read my packet and attend the next few meetings. I am excited about the changes.

Now on to the weigh in!!

I did lose. .6, but still a loss! I discussed the starting weight thing with them and they decided to go ahead and change my starting weight, which put me at 5%. I am very excited about this and reading my new "5%" pamphlet!

