Monday, December 19, 2011

Happy Blogiversary!

Last Thursday, December 15th, was our 1 year blogiversary! As you probably read in my last post, life got kinda crazy there last week so I missed it! But I am back on track! So what exactly is a blogiversary for those of you not in the "blogosphere"?(oh yeah, we have lots of terms you have never heard of!)

According to, a Blogiversary is "The yearly anniversary of someones web-log (blog)" Okay, you probably could have figured that out... So last December 15th, I started writing this little blog. Well actually not this blog specifically, but the blog that it was born from "And we live happily ever after..." I was a newlywed and a reader of blogs. I was unemployed a "housewife" sitting at home getting inspiration for the great house we would eventually purchase. It was also a place to share our DIY projects (like our christmas wreath) and just about our lives as newlyweds. What started off as a small blog that I updated maybe once a month turned into a weekly thing in about August. More people started reading, so I started writing. Then I started Weight Watchers again and I wanted to share my journey with the blogging world so I started a sister blog "And I live healthier ever after". I was updating both and loving it. One about life and one about weigh loss. And the more I wrote, the bigger dreams I had. I wanted to go "big time" with my own hosted domain. After pitching the idea (and the price tag) to my husband, he left me with a challenge, and man do I love a challenge! He said that if I wrote a post a day for 2 weeks (excluding weekends) that he would get me my own domain!

I was on a mission! I wrote post after post and really enjoyed it, and after two weeks, he decided I could do it. I was chatting one night with my dad (who does website design) and I told him how excited I was to get my own domain, and how I wanted to host my blog on wordpress and he offered to buy my name and add me to his hosting. Score! So that is how Life, happily ever after came to be. One blog, all about life, and weight loss.

And here we are, one year later! Here are some fun stats!

Blog Hits in 369 days: 7837!

Blog hits on New blog alone: 1053 (since Nov 30)

Highest # of hits in 1 day (old blog): 657

Highest # of hits in 1 day (new blog): 138

Average hits per day: 100-ish (only 22 if you do the math, but I only started posting more than once a month in August)

So there we go. 1 year down, many more to come!

In the next year, I have a few blog related goals! I want to double my readership (at least!) and I want to blog more! I want to have a schedule of posts that I can write before hand (not every morning when I get into work... ) I want to convince Andy to write something for the blog. I want to feature more pictures of max. (I am not sure there is even one!)

So there you have it! Here's to many more years!